
General characteristics
1tool is the oldest of the development tools for the CAREL programmable controller platform.
It comprises five different environments, which developers can use to manage the software application across the various phases: from design, to testing and debugging right up to commissioning in the field.
One key feature of the tool is integration. All the different environments share the information needed to best support the development of the software application.
Each environment is dedicated to the creation of a specific function and interacts with the other environments to offer developers:- greater reliability thanks to real-time error reporting in the design stage;
- faster development times by using the new features offered, above all the new function block libraries;
- flexibility in terms of software customisation.
Specifically, the function block library offered by 1tool includes:
- 80 atoms, the basic elements of 1tool;
- 121 macroblocks, complex algorithms based on consolidated and secure logic;
- 45 modules, function blocks comprising a control algorithm and the related user interface.
During development, the different elements that make up the library can be used simultaneously. This allows developers, depending on the degree of complexity required by the application software, to use the right combination of function blocks to create the application, from simple editing to the development of more complex algorithms.
All these features, together with ease of use, make 1tool an excellent product that meets a variety of needs for HVAC/R applications.
Customers need to attend a specific training course before purchasing.